Sunday 14 May 2023

Location Recess

 Location Recess

What ideas do you have on where you are going to film?

When choosing a location to film, there are a variety of places to film this. Some are:

A School

Inside with a green screen

A park

Why have you chosen these locations and how does it help the audience to relate to the chocolate bar?

The reason I have chosen these locations is because: 

- If I am filming in an actual school, this could potentially help a younger audience relate to the chocolate. The main message of the chocolate is to have a quick snack on the go.

- A green screen will be very useful to me as I do not have to spend a budget on it, and I can edit anything I need to onto the green screen. This helps because for my advert I will be needing a cow, but with the help of the green screen I can easily edit one into the advert.

- A playground/park is a good location for my advert, since its a free space and I will have easy access to it. Filming here will also be good for my advert as I will need a large green space for my advert.

What are the differences of the locations to make the chocolate bar advert?

There are 3 different locations that I have, and each location will have a different meaning:

- Two locations include being inside, while one locations is outside.

- One of my locations require a Green screen, while the other two do not.

- Each location relates to different types of audiences.

What is your final ideal location to film this chocolate bar advert?

For my final idea, I will shoot the advert using two of my chosen locations. I will have my advert at the playground and inside with a green screen. This is because it will start off with being in a green space that is similar to a field. Then the second part will need to be inside so I can use the green screen. This is because, for my advert there will be a cow who poops out Oreos. The Oreos then fall threw a glass of milk and then it transforms into the Cadburys Oreo chocolate and falls onto a plate, which then a kid comes in and eats it.                           This will show the collaboration between both products, which will hopefully intrigue the audience.

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