Tuesday 16 May 2023

Radio and Shooting (TV advert) script

Story title : Cadbury Dairy Milk 'Milk's favourite cookie':


Shooting (TV advertisement):

Dialogue/script which will be used for the TV advertisement:

Narrative: Ahh what a lovely sunny day...oh look, there's a cow.

Narrative: Oh wait, it looks like something is about to happen...OH GOD.

Narrative: AVERT YOUR EYES oh- wait IS THAT AN OREO??

Narrative: Well wasn't that something ha-ha.

Narrative: HOW MARVELLOUS! It appears that the Oreo and Milk have created a chocolate.

Narrative: Ah it seems like (Child's name) is about to eat the chocolate.

Narrative: Seems like they love it.

Kid: Milk's favourite cookie!

Sunday 14 May 2023

Location Recess

 Location Recess

What ideas do you have on where you are going to film?

When choosing a location to film, there are a variety of places to film this. Some are:

A School

Inside with a green screen

A park

Why have you chosen these locations and how does it help the audience to relate to the chocolate bar?

The reason I have chosen these locations is because: 

- If I am filming in an actual school, this could potentially help a younger audience relate to the chocolate. The main message of the chocolate is to have a quick snack on the go.

- A green screen will be very useful to me as I do not have to spend a budget on it, and I can edit anything I need to onto the green screen. This helps because for my advert I will be needing a cow, but with the help of the green screen I can easily edit one into the advert.

- A playground/park is a good location for my advert, since its a free space and I will have easy access to it. Filming here will also be good for my advert as I will need a large green space for my advert.

What are the differences of the locations to make the chocolate bar advert?

There are 3 different locations that I have, and each location will have a different meaning:

- Two locations include being inside, while one locations is outside.

- One of my locations require a Green screen, while the other two do not.

- Each location relates to different types of audiences.

What is your final ideal location to film this chocolate bar advert?

For my final idea, I will shoot the advert using two of my chosen locations. I will have my advert at the playground and inside with a green screen. This is because it will start off with being in a green space that is similar to a field. Then the second part will need to be inside so I can use the green screen. This is because, for my advert there will be a cow who poops out Oreos. The Oreos then fall threw a glass of milk and then it transforms into the Cadburys Oreo chocolate and falls onto a plate, which then a kid comes in and eats it.                           This will show the collaboration between both products, which will hopefully intrigue the audience.

Wednesday 10 May 2023

Rational for chosen idea

 Rational for chosen idea

For my final idea I have chosen to go with my second idea. In this idea there will be cows scattered across a field of grass. The cows then start pooping Oreo cookies, which then fall threw a glass off milk and then onto a plate, where a child enters and eats them happily. The kid then holds up an empty glass and milk starts pouring into the glass above the camera. The slogan 'Milk's favourite cookie' appress across on top. 

The reason I have chosen this idea is because, it is fun and creative which will appeal to the main target audience.

Flat Plan

Wednesday 3 May 2023

The history of the Cadburys chocolate that I have chosen.

 History of the Cadbury Oreo Chocolate bar

 What product have I chosen and why?

The reason I have chosen the product Cadbury's Oreo chocolate is because, it Cators to a wide age range of audiences. This chocolate has an element of synergy, which means the product would get twice the recognition from the audience. Another reason why I have chosen this product, is because of the flavours it has and could bring to the audience.

When did Cadbury first launch the product?

Cadburys Oreo chocolate was launched world wide, early August 2017. However, the product was first released in India and then was introduced by the Indian market to Cadbury. This then gradually expanded worldwide.

Who do you thinks the audience for the product?

Because the chocolate is a simple product, audiences can get the product on the go and enjoy it. I think this chocolate is for all ages, but to have a specific age range it would be ages 10-50.
This is because the chocolate is simple yet has certain flavours which anyone can enjoy.

Describe the packaging

The packaging has changed over the last 5 years since the first launch. However, despite the change of packaging over the years, every design of the product has kept the same theme and style. This shows the synergy between both products (Oreo and Cadbury). 

An example of an old advertisement campaign
