Wednesday 18 January 2023

U20, Task1 ,P1

 What is an advert?

An advert is a public communication or announcement that promotes a product, service, brand or event.

What is an advertising campaign?

An ad campaign is a set of advertising that revolves around a single message and are intended to achieve a particular goal.

What different mediums can adverts appear in?

Video advertising (Television, YouTube)

Audio Channel (Radio Podcast Advertising)


Print & Digital Publication (Magazines)

Out-Of-Home Advertising

Social Media

What is the main purpose of an advert?

Marketers use advertisements to help companies reach their objective and increase revenue.

Find a YouTube video of a TV advert you think is successful and write 100 words about why you think its good.

This Advert is good because it not only promotes the famous character Mr Bean, but it also helps promote the chocolate Snickers. In the advert we can see Mr Bean fighting and afterwards he eats a snickers bar. This is relevant since it also helps the audience to relate to this but with work. So, then they would want to go home after work and get a snickers bar. This is very eye catching to the audience since there is a lot going on in the advert. Therefore, the advert was successful since, it promotes snickers and also Mr bean.

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