Sunday 5 February 2023

11 Paragraphs case study advert

 My case study adverts: BTS McDonalds/Johnny Depp Sauvage


This advert is about McDonalds. The advert was released in 2021. This advert is about McDonalds and they have collabed with BTS a boy k-pop group to gain more customers. This advert is displayed on TV and billboard. The advert can be found on the McDonalds website. This advert is created for people who like McDonalds and BTS. The advert shows us how delicious this new food is and how it's something different from a different culture. The aim for this was to most likely rebrand past foods that didn't sell as much and to try something different that other brands hasn't tried yet.

This is a print advert of McDonalds and BTS collaboration. It was released the same time as the TV advert in 2021 and is on the official website. This will attract customers as it says its "Limited time collab". The advert will most likely be displayed in McDonalds as posters (print advert). This advert is shown world wide for anyone to see. BTS ( Here is a link from the McDonalds website. This shows the audience what to expect and also it shows how it's a BTS meal. This means that more fans would want to try it since it's rare for Mcdonald's to have a collaboration with somebody.

This advert is based on a perfume product 'Sauvage Dior'. This was officially released in 2015. This advert is about the perfume 'Sauvage' and Dior have collabed with the famous actor Johnny Depp to represent the perfume. This has helped gain more customers for the product as Johnny Depp has a large audience. This advert was displayed on TV and billboard. This advert and perfume can be found in online perfume stores and in real life. This advert is aimed towards people who like 'Sauvage' and Johnny Depp.  Johnny enters the trailer 2 seconds in, which shows elements of synergy. This will attract Johnny Depp fans which will increase the audience and consumers, which will lead to the overall product to be more successful.

This is a print advert for the perfume "Sauvage Dior" and the collaboration with Johnny Depp. This advert was released the same time as the TV advert 2015. This advert is on the official Dior website Sauvage: the world of the iconic Dior fragrance for men | DIOR. The advert will also be displayed in perfume stores or billboards for everyone worldwide to see. The advert can also be seen on any perfume website or other websites like eBay or Amazon.

Aims of my case study adverts: BTS McDonalds/Johnny Depp sauvage

The aims for the BTS and McDonalds advert is to add new products and increase sales. The reason for introducing BTS's collab with McDonalds is to help increase sales and gain a larger profits because BTS have a very large audience. By doing this McDonalds have gained a lot of positive feedback. At 00:16 seconds in, it shows a new product 'Sweet chilli' sauce, which was most likely rebranded and introduced with BTS to try and promote the new meal deal. With the rebranding of the chilli sauce, it will remind customers of this sauce that they may have forgotten.

The aims for BTS and McDonald's print advert was to show the audience what new foods would be introduced by McDonalds or so they could rebrand a few of their foods so it could gain a larger audience. Therefore, the aims for the adverts was to mainly gain a large audience and profit which was achieved.

The aims for Johnny Depp and Dior's advert was to introduce a new product onto the perfume line. By teaming up with Johnny Depp this helped gain an even larger audience and profit as Johnny Depp has a very large supportive audience. At 00:26 seconds in, Johnny leaves is guitar behind which could symbolise he's a new man with a new stronger sense of smell. This goes with the appearance of the wolves as they are known to have strong senses and a strong demeanour. At 00:32 seconds Johnny Depp is seen leading the pack of wolves. This makes the audience see how the perfume changes you into a more confident, powerful man who is capable of being an "alpha". 

The aims for the perfume print advert was to showcase the perfume and the different quantity size of the product. This was also for audiences to see what type of perfume their favourite brand has come out with. Overall the aims for the product and advert was to gain a larger audience and more profit, and this has been achieved.

Target audience of my case study advert:

The target audience for the BTS/McDonalds advert were mainly towards people who are fans of BTS and McDonalds. The genders for the target audience would be any gender, the age would mostly be teenagers and young adults and ethnicity is anyone and everyone. The TV advert is to showcase BTS's fans their collaboration with McDonalds and to also help gain more audiences for McDonalds. 

The print advert is for people who may not consume as much media as others, which is why there are multiple print adverts such as posters and billboards. This also helps spread the word around that there are new products in McDonalds. Overall the main target audience is aimed at people who love BTS and love McDonalds.

Johnny Depp/Dior

The target audience for the Johnny Depp and Dior product is aimed at people who are fans and admire Johnny Depp. Once people had heard or seen the new perfume was being represented by Johnny Depp, this made people want to buy it as they admire him. The smell of the perfume is quite different from other perfumes, and when people smell it they would want to buy it.

The print advert is aimed towards people who do not consume as much media, this is why there are many posters in perfume stores and billboards on streets to show and spread the new Dior product. Overall the target audience is people who are fans of Johnny Depp and Dior.

Key message of my case study:

The adverts key message is to possibly bring joy and pleasure to those who love BTS and McDonalds. This is also a unique selling point because not only will those love both BTS and McDonalds enjoy the new products, the McDonalds company will gain good and positive feedback and a much larger audience.
The key message is effective in selling this particular product because, it brings more benefits to both BTS and McDonalds.

Johnny Depp/Dior

The key message is to bring pleasure to those who like certain smells like Sauvage and knowing that is represented by Johnny Depp. Its also a unique selling point because, both Johnny Depp and Dior have teamed up to produce the advert for the product. 
The key message is very effective because it benefits both Johnny Depp and Dior.

Approach of my case study adverts:

The Adverts approach is celebrity endorsement. This means the main seller "McDonalds" has teamed with "BTS" to gain more recognition or profit as BTS is a world known boy group. They have used this collaboration to their advantage because the company McDonalds, know how much positive feedback they will achieve and how much more profits they will gain. They have made many adverts such as Posters, Billboards and the main advert which are on Social media.

Johnny Depp/Dior
The adverts approach is also celebrity endorsement. This means the main seller "Dior" have taken it upon them to team up with Johnny Depp to represent their new product because, they know that the new product will make many sales as the representer "Johnny Depp" has a lot of fans and followers. The adverts are everywhere, on social media, posters, billboards or on Dior's official website, it is everywhere for anyone to see given their circumstances.

Representation in my case study adverts:
The adverts representation are new products that McDonalds have introduced or rebranded. There was a moment in the advert where one of BTS's member showed a sauce that had been branded with BTS's logo on it, and this showed viewers and buyers what new products are being introduced.

Johnny Depp/Dior
The adverts representation was to showcase the new Dior perfume "Sauvage". There was a moment in the advert where Johnny Depp strums his guitar and wolves come running to him as if he's their leader calling them and they obey him. This is a metaphor used to show that the perfume makes you feel empowerd and that you have a sense of leadership.

Campaign logistics for my case study adverts:

The perfect timing to schedule this advert would most likely be after school finishes around 3:30, so that teenagers will be able to view the advert, or maybe during the day starting from 12:00 and finishing around 5:00-6:00. This is so the target audience get to view the advert through out the day. As for billboard adverts, they would be in busy areas like motorways or places like central because that where most people go.

Johnny Depp/Dior
The timing to schedule this advert would be around in the evening, as this perfume is mostly aimed towards adults especially shown after work hours. The advert would be shown on any channel to help target more people. As for billboard adverts, they would be displayed around busy areas such as, Central, motorways and possibly trains stations or bus stops.

Choice of media for my case study adverts:

The media of this advert would be shown on  TV shows or online like YouTube or instagram. The reason that the advert is displayed on these social media platforms is because that's where most of their target audience spend their time on. As for print adverts, they would be displayed around bus stops, shopping centres or in McDonalds. 

Johnny Depp/Dior

The media of this advert would be shown on film channels, YouTube or maybe Facebook. The reason that this advert is displayed on these media platforms is because it is better suited for their target audience. As for print adverts, it would be displayed around perfume shops, train stations, or shopping centres.

Call to action for my case study adverts:

The response for the advert would be on social media in the comment section. The audience were excited for the new products and were even more excited to try them. This was the expected reaction because not only did McDonalds come out with new product, but it was showcased by idols who are adored by millions.

Johnny Depp/Dior
The response for this advert did receive a lot of backlash however most of Johnny Depp's fans stayed by his side and helped spread a lot of positivity towards him and Dior's new product. 
The product was also sold out or out of stock nearly everywhere due to having Johnny Depp as the new face of Dior.

Legal and Ethical issues for my case study adverts:

One legal issue that McDonalds had to take into consideration was, copyright, designs and patents act 1988. This allowed Mcdonald's and BTS to have permission to use the music for the advertisement. This Is shown at 0:25 of the advert. This allowed the right of ownership to be used and prevented any negative impacts to have occurred.
One ethical issue that McDonald's must have is not to offend or disturb the audiences, this means that McDonald's has to state whether the food is available for everyone or to a specific audience. If they do not state this, this can lead to them being bankrupt.

Johnny Depp

One legal issue that Johnny Depp's advert must contain freedom of information act. This is because the customers can ask the company relevant questions about the perfume. Therefore, it leads to no misunderstandings towards the perfume and allows the audience to increase. 
One ethical issue is at 0:24 into the advert. It shows that Johnny Depp is driving on the right side of the road. This will ensure that audiences know that Johnny Depp is not breaking any laws when producing the advert.

Regulation issues for my case study adverts:

One regulation issue that BTS and McDonald's had to have is PRS (performing right society for music). This means that McDonald's ova the right to use music in their advert and not get fined or sued. This makes it easier for them as they do not need to worry about getting negative consequences and is under the right regulatory issue.
Another regulation issue that can be used in  the poster is IPSO (independent press standards organisation). This helps the company as it wouldn't be removed once it has been displayed.

Johnny Depp/ sauvage

One regulation issue that the advert should have is Ofcom. This is because Ofcom covers TV, radio and telecommunications. This then allows the business to have the correct licence and permission to publish the advert. Another regulation issue that could be used in the poster or billboard is IPSO (independent press standards organisation). This would mean that if the advert has been displayed, it cannot be removed.
